Summer school on the topic of deformation in robotics
4-8 Jul 2022 Villeneuve d'Ascq (Lille) (France)

Lectures and Keynotes > Day 1 - Introduction to Deformation in Robotics

Day 1 - Introduction to Deformation in Robotics

10:00-11:00: Lecture: "The Flexible Robots of the 90's: The Missing Link Between Rigid and Soft Robotics" - Frédéric Boyer


In the 90's, a vast literature in robotics was interested in the problem of modeling, simulation and control of flexible robots. By "flexible robots" we meant polyarticulated systems (mainly manipulators) with concentrated joints driven by motors connecting segments subject to small strains (vibrations). The purpose of this course is to recall some of the results produced by this community and to link them upstream to classical rigid robots, and downstream to soft robots, objects of this summer school. To do so, we will start from rigid robots, then we will introduce robots with flexible joints and finally the flexible robots mentioned above. The presentation will focus on the modeling aspects of these systems and their link with simulation and control.


Bio: Frédéric Boyer was born in France in 1967. He received the Diploma in mechanical engineering from the Institut Nationale Polytechnique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, in 1991, the Master of Research degree in mechanics from the University of Grenoble in 1991, and the Ph.D. degree in robotics from the University of Paris VI, Paris, France, in 1994. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Automatic Control, IMTAtlantique, Nantes, France, where he is a member of the Robotics Team, Laboratoire des Sciences du Numerique de Nantes (LS2N). His current research interests include ´ structural dynamics, geometric mechanics, and biorobotics (locomotion dynamics and underwater electric sensing). Dr. Boyer received the Monpetit Prize from the Academy of Science of Paris in 2007 for his work in dynamics and the French ”La Recherche Prize” in 2014, for his works on artificial electric sense. He has coordinated several national projects and one European FP7-FET project on a reconfigurable eel-like robot able to navigate with electric sense.


11:30-12:30: Keynote: "Robotic Manipulation of Non-Rigid Objects" - Andrea Cherubini


Molding soft materials would enable robots to perform a plethora of operations and assist humans in many daily chores (e.g., cooking, gardening, folding clothes…). However, to date, roboticists have mainly focused on rigid object manipulation. The reason is that manipulating soft materials requires perceiving and modeling deformations at a high frame rate. This talk will survey past and on-going work on addressing these issues, to make robots capable of manipulating non-rigid objects.


Bio: Andrea Cherubini received the MSc in Mechanical Engineering from “Sapienza” University of Rome (2001), the MSc in Control from the University of Sheffield, UK (2003) and the PhD in Control from “Sapienza” (2008). From 2008 to 2011, he was Postdoc at INRIA Rennes, France. In 2011 he became Associate Professor and since 2021 he is Full Professor at University of Montpellier, France, where he leads the IDH Group and is in charge of the Robotics Master.


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