Summer school on the topic of deformation in robotics
4-8 Jul 2022 Villeneuve d'Ascq (Lille) (France)

Hands-On Sessions > Day 1 - Introduction


During this thematic school, you will have the opportunity to get a practical introduction to deformable robotics through a series of hands-on. Modeling, design and control aspects will be addressed on a specific design of soft parallel robot, called the Tripod, and using a finite element forward and inverse model implemented in the SOFA framework. In this introduction session, we will describe the program of the three following hands-on, present the Tripod soft robot and its constitutive elements, and give a tutorial on SOFA. The session will be run by Hugo Talbot from the SOFA consortium. 


Bio: Dr. Hugo Talbot originally studied mechanical engineering, and graduated in 2010 from both Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) and INSA Lyon (France). He defended his PhD in medical simulation at Inria (France) in 2014. His work focused on the real-time simulation of the electrical activity of the human heart. From 2014 until late 2015, Hugo worked on the simulation of cryoablation and cardiac electrophysiology as research engineer. Since 2016, Hugo Talbot is the coordinator of the open-source project SOFA. The objectives of Hugo are to develop the community, to ensure the technical evolution of the software and to foster collaborations.




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